Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hey Kid. I'm A Computer. Stop All The Downloading!

Welcome to my blog, and a showcase of my involvement in convergence culture!

Being a member of 'Generation C', and being the reclusive bedroom-bound teenager that I am, I have a strong personal affiliation with Internet usage and to an extent content production. I have a stronger social presence online than in real life. For a large part, the majority of my communication is virtual and done through social networking sites such as MySpace and over MSN. I am one of the first to condemn the existence of Facebook, as I am yet to discover its appeal. I use online forums such as www.noisetheory.org to keep abreast of the goings on within my particular circle of friends. However, I prefer to remain a hidden user, more typically known as a lurker, which is of course the worst of the worst when it comes to online communities. But for the time being, I'm quite comfortable with it.

I view consumer driven content as the future of the Media and Communication industries. I believe that the innovation and individualism facilitated by the produsage represents a breath of fresh air for what has traditionally been concentrated producer driven media content. I feel that the shift to a bottom up consumer driven environment has allowed for the regeneration of the industry and presented countless new and exciting prospects for the future. I also believe that the increase in produsage has created a more balanced and true reflection of the attitudes and opinions of society. Of course media barons such as Rupert Murdoch still exist, and have considerable media ownership and financial power, especially under the recent changes to Media and Communication policy by the ACMA. But the open and seemingly uncensored nature on the online community has allowed for people to gain an objective view on news and currents affairs through citizen journalism. Of course, almost all information is subjective, but now audiences have such a variety of information they are able to assess the information for themselves and decide what they want to believe.

As a second year Media and Communication student I have a strong interest in convergence culture, produsers and the usage and ideals of media audiences. For this reason, this blog will most likely present subject matter relating to these principles in accordance with the unit content of KCB201. And it is here that I will strive to provide a blog with more substance and purpose than what is typically found in the livejournal of a socially challenged teenager.

1 comment:

lara hughes said...

"Hey Kid. I'm a computer. Stop all the downloading!" is an interesting reflection on what it is to be a member of 'generation C'. In outlining your communication presence, it is evident that the teenager of today is given more opportunities to communicate without human contact, due to convenience and the nature of society. As a result of technology and societies adaptability and high use, communication by these methods is seen today as a normal.

As a lurker i agree with your position, as I feel that it is not worth contributing content unless it is of quality standard with references. Because of my age and experience i am in no position to contribute. In saying that in the future i hope that i will add useful content that will help future generation like that who have gone before me.

I agree with you stance on the power of citizen journalism as a means of communicating opinions from a range of backgrounds and geographic regions. But in saying so in order to filter through the subjective content, the viewer would have to be in turn educated in citizen journalism in order to contribute and analysis accordingly. And thus this limitation will always be factor in the standard and importance of citizen journalism.

Thank you for writing this blog. I look forward to reading more.
